Blissful Sunday (2) - Moving Forward

I wanna tell you real quick.

Last week was my birthday. This year, everything was very much different. There's a moment I feel it's a sign my life gets worse, but it's sort of saying if I should start to learn to be grateful for the smallest things I get.

Anyway, I read some pages of motivational books to review (not for this blog, not now). The first one was Anita Roddick's Business as Unusual, don't be mistaken with the other one---a textbook by Prichett. Then, I reach the first 10 pages of Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg, a cool modern feminist. Somehow, seeing them being themselves...thinking unlike others...drives me back to my real self. My life and work has consumed me and get rotten enough to be somebody else I don't know. They don't, probably.

Then, this book landed on my desk.

One of my birthday gifts!
I know this book, some people have been talking about it. And a few days ago, the book turned out to be a present for me. Including the alarm clock. Yes, LOL! Whenever I hear or read troubled childhood life of someone successful, it always makes me feel where have I been? Then again, the feeling drags me to hate the way I was raised, the situation and all.

When I got the job, I planned to do this, do that, achieve this and that... but now everything is going far away from me. Like, they're never in my hand after all. Just like I've never done any to gain them. It seems I really need to read motivational books now. The kind of books I never wanted to read before. Ha! Life turns me upside down, including books I'd read.

Besides, a video of my two nieces saying Happy Birthday sent from my sis in the US, a voice note from Bella in Brisbane, a drawing of me and my camera by Dero on Instagram and Path, lasagnas from my sister to share with my colleagues at work, a prayer that my job is going to be greater from my mom and another Hello Kitty clock from Putri... I got a book, too. I feel blessed.

Write more soon!

P.S.: Because last week was my birthday, I'm going to host the giveaway soon this week! Please keep on reading... =)


  1. Happy belated birthday, bree. Semoga mimpi yang mulai menjauh dapat segera terpeluk dan terwujud.

    Aku juga tahu rasanya stuck di satu tempat dan ngerasa 'ketinggalan' dari yg lain.
    Masalahnya aku masih ndak mood baca buku motivasi. Jadi dikau baca dan share ya ntar point2 penting dari bukunya *mencari cara yang gampang* :))

  2. eh, aku udah ngucapin ultah belum ya? kayaknya belum deh, heheheh, selamat ultah ya, semoga sehat selalu dan dimudahkan apa saja yang lagi mengalami kesusahan, ditunggu giveawaynya :D

  3. Paling males baca buku motivasi, karena at the end semua balik ke gw juga, no matter how hard motivasi dari luar.....tapi buat tau someone else's point of view ya why not....enjoy your book....and happy birthday :)


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