Review: Guinness World Record 2013 - Gamer's Edition

11 years ago
Let's end the year with...

Title: Guinness World Records 2013 - Gamer's Edition
Year: 2012
Published by Guinness World Records Limited
Editor-in-Chief: Craig Glenday
Pages: 216
Language: English
Rate: 4
ISBN: 9781904994947

Dear game freaks, you may now be legal to visit bookstores!

No possibility to be kicked out from game community, because bookstores near you probably sell Guinness World Record 2013 - Gamer's Edition. This one was published in 2012 and Guiness World Record 2014 - Gamer's Edition has now been published and available for order or pick up at bookstores. But, we're going to celebrate the end of the year what the Guinness team has collected for 2013.

From Where's My Water, Mario Bros, Gran Turismo to Batman: Arkham City, World of Warcraft, and Tomb Raider---the games of various genres with varied types of players have given wonderful touch in gaming interests throughout the year. Playing for winning in fantasy mission or just to kill the boredom, those titles have liven up the signs of technology development and fulfilling more needs of fresh games. Don't forget our happiest game ever: Angry Birds, and for old time sake: Tetris, because on this very last day of 2013, let's remember by reading the book that "'s not just the world of gaming industry that's has changed since 2011: the Gamer's Edition is now better than ever."

Exactly! The book shares important details all gamers in the world need to know. You may find the data and reviews on best-selling game console and its coolest upgrade. What else? Any player who seeks to understand their favourite character better could be guided by character comparisons by certain aspects (Lara vs Esio, Mario vs Sonic, or Ryu vs Jin Kazama for example). And facts can always be interesting, right? 

Not only about the game itself, but things surround it. Like, do you know celebrity who loves games and even got addicted? Or game-themed wedding that could be your inspiration? It may not be that interesting, but can be nice intermezzo while you read it. What's even more fun? You can be a record-breaker and have yourself a page or two in the next edition maybe. Read how in the book.

Amazing, sharp and high-quality photos (incl. screencaps) and designs allow the book to be highly enjoyable by gamers who probably might not get used to read whole-page texts. The games are listed neatly in concise categories and written in simple language. Easy to read and bring up nice issues. This book can be additional guide for gamers. 

Good games will always leave a trace in gamers' memories and hearts. No matter how fast changing by design and industry the games have gone, I see how the Guinness team tried to give a old school taste in the smallest way that the reader might not realize. But as a fan of some games reviewed in the book, it seems that there are some games need more than two-page profile, besides big photos have taken almost all of the page. Just to be a lil' generous.

Enjoy 2014 with new games or replay your old fave game!

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