Keeper of Secrets … Translation of an Incident by Anjuelle Floyd
Author: Anjuelle Floyd
Pages: 176
Released: June 2007
Publisher: Three Muses Press
Genre: Fiction

One night, an incident happened---a woman with pink-hair put a knife on a man’s across her. Within the moment, there were some different people who were accidentally taken to their hidden truths of their past and unknown by themselves, they were connected ever since.
'Keeper of Secrets … Translations of an Incident' of Anjuelle Floyd is a book contained of 8 different short stories whose characters have dark sides in the past which are re-awakened by one event. The characters in 8 different stories are then blended with each other’s stories. Those short stories are ‘Dancing Siva’, ‘Keeper of Secrets’, ‘As Far As I Can See… in a Day’, ‘The Object of Compassion’, ‘The Bridge’, ‘Three Movements’, ‘Myrandha’, and ‘In Baghdad’.
Anjuelle Floyd is really a genius. Keeper of Secrets … Translations of an Incident is like the book version of a movie of Paris Je T’aime (Paris, I Love You) or Love Actually, or such. But the book is more about the hidden secrets of the characters that connected to one incident. And gathering the upper-middle classed people with various backgrounds into one moving scene is the major twist of interest!
The book gives us the new idea of a story, both the plot and the concept. I love the way the story is written, beautifully and politely. Every point was described very detail, so the readers would surely see what the writers want them to see of the scenes. Yet, there are some empty parts that the readers should fill themselves with their own freedom of imaginations. This is very interesting book, I can tell you. Something that is really different.
You might like the plot, but unfortunately I can tell that it is rather confusing as it’s jumping from present to past and hard to catch. But that’s just something you will get used to it after a few pages, and then, you might feel challenged. For other negative point, I found the beginning of Dancing Siva part was a bit boring. Surprisingly, when you reach the first half part, it will turn into the book that you won’t put down.
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