HOW-TO: Make Your Book Smells Better

11 years ago
I bought Revenge Wears Prada months ago, err...most likely at the end of last year, but haven't read it. And, nope! It's not because the book doesn't smell good. Well, could be!

Simply, I haven't got the time. Again.

The thing I notice from the book at the first time I freed it from the plastic wrap was...the smell. Old recycled paper it seems. I don't know, not sure. I'm not a paper thingy expert. When I held the book closer to my face, whoaaa... I got sensitive eyes, skin and nose. So you know, don't bother to say to me to keep on reading.

But then, I visited Victoria's Secret store to check out their new fragrance. The shopping assistant took out the fragrance sample paper and spray the perfume. I smelled it once, then put in my bag. Somehow, unintentionally, it falls down in the middle of my Revenge Wears Prada pages. And...voila! It does smell a little better. So I can share you... a little tips.

With these, you can change the world!
Always keep fragrance sample paper whenever you got it. Keep it safe, don't let it torn apart. The smell on paper could be gone after days, or even within hours, just like if you spray it on body. Don't be sad when the smell leaves, because then you can just spray another fragrance you like to it. This time, I try the new one I bought, The Body Shop's Atlas Moroccan Rose that has been my emergency fragrance at work or anytime I went through emergency stairs to get up and down of my office building that is always full of cigarette smoke.

The fragrance sample paper I use is from Copia. Have you ever heard the Fragonard fragrance collection? Go google it. But I never buy Fragonard, just try the sample. So here it is. But the smell is gone, now it's time to spray it with rosey smell.

 Lastly, just slip the sample paper somewhere between the pages right away. And let the paper inhale the molecules of the fragrance. You can use more than one or two sample paper, so the smell could be much stronger and the effect works faster.

And what's great about it? It also can be your temporary bookmark! Victoria's Secret happens to have cute designs of sample paper that makes me always want to keep it. I'm crazy of beautiful stuffs and also a hoarder. Perfect! Simply, they make lovely bookmarks. They came in two sizes, so if you book is thick or wide, go for the bigger one.


[Review] Heartbreaker from Victoria's Secret. It's quite soft and sexy. But I rarely use it for books, I spray Atlas Moroccan Rose or Lovely by Sarah Jessica Parker, my old one. 

Here's something to help: Perfume can last to whole day on body, while Eau de Parfum is only up to 5 hours and 2-4 hours (approx.) for EDT. There, you know how much you can expect when you do it for your book.

TIPS (FOR WHENEVER YOU GOT FRUSTATED): If this tutorial doesn't help you, the bad smell is there, ... one thing to do: just spray your perfume directly, in 30 cm away, to your book!


  1. Aku juga suka Lovely nya SJP buat pemakaian sehari-hari.

    Btw kalo make kertas biasa efekny beda gak ya kira-kira?

    1. Nah, aku belum coba kalau kertas biasa. Cuma kalau kertas biasa kan tipis, mungkin jadi basah banget dan mungkin bukunya juga ikutan basah. Takut rusak :(

  2. aku nggak pernah kepikiran, tiap dapet sample ya udah, dibuang, g sampe kepikiran untuk buku bisa juga, makasih ya sarannya yang kece banget :D

  3. is there by any chance, gw ga pake Vic Secret?? Tapi di ganti Lacoste? Soalnya baunya manis banget....Useful tips anyway....Thank you

    1. Sure bisa. As I wrote there, any fragrance of your choice aja kok


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