Happy Birthday, Mitch Albom!

10 years ago
Happy Birthday, Mitch Albom!

May, 23rd is my favorite (one of my favorites) author's birthday! Mitch Albom. I remember how mad I was about his books. I read The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Tuesdays with Morrie and For One More Day in high school. All of them. I cried and was mesmerized on the way the story touched me, giving me so much hope when everything good seemed to be far away.

I was crazy about books. I can't stop reading and writing. Somehow I was quite strict to myself as well. I wouldn't touch my current reads when there was a homework from school unfinished or an upcoming test. After all those school things done, I would be gladly back to my reading. Oh that moment... miss 'em even though things weren't easier or beautiful.

The stories Mitch Albom wrote change my paradigm of the world and the people in it. Nothing's ever black and white. Reminding me about family, friends and spirituality bonds. Sadly, one of the books of his that I own, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, is borrowed by someone who hasn't returned it for years. It's almost five years, though. Hopefully I'd be the one he meets in heaven (if heaven really exists).

A book done reading always change you. 
A great book won't let you be the same person at the last page.

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